A "Sprint" is a short, time-boxed period in Agile project management during which a team works to complete a specific set of tasks or goals. Sprints are typically 1 to 4 weeks long and help teams stay focused, track progress, and deliver incremental value. Each sprint concludes with a review and planning session for the next sprint.
A "Sprint" is a short, time-boxed period in Agile project management during which a team works to complete a specific set of tasks or goals. Sprints are typically 1 to 4 weeks long and help teams stay focused, track progress, and deliver incremental value. Each sprint concludes with a review and planning session for the next sprint.
A "Sprint" is a short, time-boxed period in Agile project management during which a team works to complete a specific set of tasks or goals. Sprints are typically 1 to 4 weeks long and help teams stay focused, track progress, and deliver incremental value. Each sprint concludes with a review and planning session for the next sprint.
A "Sprint" is a short, time-boxed period in Agile project management during which a team works to complete a specific set of tasks or goals. Sprints are typically 1 to 4 weeks long and help teams stay focused, track progress, and deliver incremental value. Each sprint concludes with a review and planning session for the next sprint.