
"Backlog" is a prioritized list of tasks, features, or requirements that need to be completed in a project. In Agile, it serves as a dynamic to-do list, with items added, updated, or removed based on project needs. Teams work through the backlog in order of priority to ensure the most important tasks are addressed first.

"Backlog" is a prioritized list of tasks, features, or requirements that need to be completed in a project. In Agile, it serves as a dynamic to-do list, with items added, updated, or removed based on project needs. Teams work through the backlog in order of priority to ensure the most important tasks are addressed first.

"Backlog" is a prioritized list of tasks, features, or requirements that need to be completed in a project. In Agile, it serves as a dynamic to-do list, with items added, updated, or removed based on project needs. Teams work through the backlog in order of priority to ensure the most important tasks are addressed first.

"Backlog" is a prioritized list of tasks, features, or requirements that need to be completed in a project. In Agile, it serves as a dynamic to-do list, with items added, updated, or removed based on project needs. Teams work through the backlog in order of priority to ensure the most important tasks are addressed first.




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