Inbox is designed to help you categorize and prioritize your notifications.
Here are the main types of notifications you can expect to find in your Inbox:
Task Assignments
Any task assigned to you will appear in this section. It's an excellent way to keep track of your responsibilities and ensure you get all the tasks you need to complete.

When someone adds a comment to a task that you are involved in, it will show up in the "Comments" section. This keeps you in the loop and fosters effective communication.

Task Completions
Notifications about tasks that were assigned by you and have been completed by the assignee will be listed in the "Task Completions" section. It's a great way to monitor progress and acknowledge completed work.

If someone mentions your username in a task or comment, you'll receive a notification in the "@Mentions" section. This ensures that you're aware of any discussions or tasks that specifically involve you.

Managing Your Notifications
To do this, click on the notification, and you will see options to "Mark as Read.”You can archive notifications to remove them from your primary Inbox view, but they'll still be accessible if needed. These options will be available at the bottom of a particular Notification.