Project & Tasks

Files & Documents

Centralized Storage

Your centralized hub for all project-related documents and files to effectively manage and access these resources.

Getting Started

Starting a New Document: Need to create a new document? Click the "+" button on the right sidebar to Start and collaborate with your team on the document.

Organizing Your Files

  1. Creating Folders: Stay organized by creating folders to group related files. Click the "Make a New Folder" button to categorize your documents.

  2. Uploading Files: To add existing files to the dashboard, use the "Upload Files" option. It's a breeze to bring your important documents into the project workspace.

  3. Linking to External Files: Do you have files stored on external platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, or Figma? No problem! You can link to these files directly from the project dashboard, ensuring seamless access.

    [Add image of the Adding the file Dialogue box]




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Teamcamp project management dashboard interface.